Sunday, December 20, 2009
Chocolate Cream Cake - Birthday cake for my niece Xin Xin
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Giant Oreo Cupcake
The ingredient was so simple and only few ingredients was required to made it. As I only have a simple small desktop electric oven so was going through my cupcake mould to see how many can fit it and my gosh... I can only fit in 9 cupcake mould and this is a big size one as well.
Had not done any cupcake before and the recipe did not state how many cupcake i can made. So i decided to just use the 9 big size cupcake mould and throw in all the batter.. ha ha .. and i think i overfilled the cupcakes almost to 90% coz I dun wan to leave any batter behind. And it was really a mistake as the batter start to rise, rise and rise and overflowed out from the cupcake mould. And so it was another mess that I had made he he..
I think maybe some one can help me out on this as to whether i can just leave the batter and put it in after the 1st tray of cupcake is done. coz for most cakes it's best that once u mix everything together u must straight away put the cake batter into the oven to start baking or else the cake will be deflatted.
This is the biggest problem with a small oven. How I wish I can get a bigger oven to made life more simpler ha ha.. so I can bake with more fun and not going around worrying whether the cake pan can fit.. So Santa pls help me send out this msg for a new oven.. ha ha n thank you..
Ok ok coming back to the cupcake, beside having cake batter flowing out everywhere in the oven, my giant cupcakes turn out alright. Ya i forgot to mention that I didn't add in raisin as I'm not a great fan of it and for the oreo part I just put in 80g instead of the 100g mentioned and yes it was just alright for me.
When I try the cupcake the top was a big harder ( coz i overbaked i think) but surprisingly the texture inside was just soft and nice. It was a bit sweeter becoz of the oreo cookies added in so if u are not a person with sweet tooth then maybe u can reduce the cookies or reduce the sugar in the ingredient.
Another thing I would like to mention as well was the oreo cookies - I had chopped it into small pieces but not till it all crumbs. I think it taste better as u can taste the oreo and it become soften when u it baked.
So my 1st experience for the first cupcake baking was great he he.. except for the oven complaint part. Thanks to Aunty Yochana for her great recipe and here is the link (recipe) if u wish to try it for yourself. Do try it...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Light soft Yummy Cheese cake
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Banana Chiffon Cake
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Chocolate Banana Cake again!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Butter Cake
Today I just thought that I had to made something up so after work I straight away go to the kitchen and made a butter cake which the recipe I got it from Kevin Chai's Book - Butter Cake. The recipe seem very simple and i got all the ingredients in my kitchen.
Well, eventhough it's plain old butter cake but I find it that I had so far not yet got one that look nice, come with nice texture and taste nice as well. All the recipe that I got were all nice to eat but when cut it's got a lot of crumbs - not like those sold in the bakery which is nice and got good textures.
As I only got small egg so I decide to put in an extra egg as the original recipe call for 5 egg only. I find that most recipe books dun state the size of the egg they use which might also affect the texture of the cake. When the cake was out, It sure taste nice but still I didn't get the nice texture cake which I was looking for and the crust was a bit over baked so it was hard. Guess I better start looking for other better recipes..
Friday, October 30, 2009
Vanilla Blueberry Chiffon Cake & Scones
At the same while waiting for the scones ( as it need to be fridged for 1/2 hour so that the butter dun melt), I decided to try to made the vanilla chiffon cake which I had failed to made the other day. So was busy for almost 2 hours in the kitchen as making both the scones and the cake at the same time.
The scones turn out quite nice and fluffy. This time the vanilla chiffon was a success, it turn out quite soft. I didn't know what actually went wrong the other day.. was it the ingredient, was it me or my skill.. Something to think about ha ha.
I left the cake overnight not knowing what to put for filling and how to decorate. And being lazy to go to the bakery to get new ingredient I just went to my fridge and see what I got. Well luckily, I still got some blueberry, non-dairy whip cream and dairy whip cream. Frankly speaking I dun really know the difference between the two type of whip cream expect that one is dairy and the other is non-dairy. Maybe I should do a research in which is better and more stable for cake decoration.
Since I still got some blueberry filling, so decide to put it to use. Coz it was not enough to made the blueberry torte so I just use it as it is. Didn't have any idea on how to decorate the cake, so just simply put some chocolate rice I have in the fridge on the side. And since still got some much of cream left I decide to try on my skill or piping the cream.. It was tough to do it right but very interesting as well. Tough in the sense that firstly, i have no piping background and secondly the dairy whip cream was very soft - seem like it's melting maybe due to the hot air in the kitchen. SO just trying my luck to made the best out of it.
But surprisingly the icing pattern was there he he.. just need more practice. It was a good try but i really think I must improve my piping skill by either going to classes to get some hand on or learn from books as well as get more decorating ideas he he.. I think this time it's not so attractive. Really admire the cake designed by a lot of home bakers wonder where their insiprations come from.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Chocolate Banana Cake
Monday, October 5, 2009
Coffee Chiffon Cake
Ingredients :
Egg White Foam
Ingredients :
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Happy Birthday Cake for My father-in-law
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Egg Tart again
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Cornflakes Cookies
The cornflakes cookies is really very simple to made. But I think I had put too much of the cornflakes coz i bought the one with more than the 325g packing as with hari raya around the corner the cornflakes are also coming in bigger packing and i didn't crush it enough into smaller pieces. So it was a bit hard to form the dough into small balls.
The cookies was a bit burned coz i put it for 30 min. I think next time round will lower the temperature to 150 degree C and maybe put it for 25 min only. I think coz of the different type of oven used so it's always better to check you oven and test the cookies accordingly.
Overall, the cookies turn out to be quite nice - suit my taste - crunchy and not sweet. Thanks to Bake 4 Fun, I have found the right cornflakes cookies recipe. will definitely bake it for the coming CNY.
300g Self-raising flour
1 Egg
240g Butter
180g Fine Sugar
1tsp Vanilla Essence
1 big box of cornflakes (325g)
Cherry for decoration (optional)
Mix butter, sugar, egg till sugar melts.
Add vanilla essence
Add flour slowly (bit by bit)
Add in crushed cornflakes.
Make it round and place a bit of cherry in the middle.
Bake in 160deg C for 30-40 minutes or till golden brown.
Polo Bun
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Egg Tart
Egg tart is one of my husband favourite food. Whenever he go Kota Kinabalu he will sure try to buy some nice egg tart from there. He claimed that the egg tart from one of the stall in Centrepoint is the best egg tart he ever had with a crispy crust and the watery of the egg custard.
Had been telling my husband that I'll try and made it but had never attempted on this little project ha ha.. It all started with my sister-in-law who had been trying to made egg tart in preparation for puasa. She was thinking of selling this egg tart during the puasa period as usually there are a lots of stall to sell food during this period. The egg tart they did tasted quite nice and so I asked for the recipe.
SO I used the reciped shared by my sister-in-law but changed the crust to puff pastry as that's what my husband required. To cut short the process, I just used the store bought puff pastry. The first batch turn out quite good but the 2nd batch I made some of the egg custard flooded the pastry and therefore the egg tart didn't turn out fluffy like the rest. Also I think either I overbaked or the temperature of the oven was too high so the custard strink in size once it cool down.
It was a good try though, never knew that making a egg tart was so hard ha ha.. Hubby enjoyed his breakfast on thursday morning ha ha.. Asked me to try and made it again..
Curry puff
Monday, September 14, 2009
Orange Chiffon Cake
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Curry Potato Prata
English Scone for breakfast
Recently had start to enjoy the so called "English Scone" for tea and it seem tat my son like it too. But the price for a good scone here is around B$1.60 which is quite expensive (equivalent to a loaf of bread) ha ha.. so when i saw the recipe from Happy Home Baker, I decide to give it a try.
It was quite simple to made and you just need few ingredient to made such a delicious scone. The scone look hard on the outside but was very soft in the inside. And it taste just like the scone that I always have in Fleur dyn lys. Hubby who was not a fan of scone also think that it was nice when we have it the next day for breakfast. So a very thank you to Happy Home Baker for the kind contribution of her scone recipe. I have attached the ingredients as below if you would like to try. It is a definite keeper for me and will made more of this lovely scones for breakfast or even tea again.
(makes 7)
250g cake flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
one pinch of salt
50g cold unsalted butter (cut into small pieces)
30g caster sugar
1 egg plus enough fresh milk to make up 140ml
1. Lightly beat the egg and add enough fresh milk to make up 140ml of liquid.
2. In a large mixing bowl, sift together the flour and baking powder. Add in salt and sugar and whisk the dry ingredients together. With finger tips rub the COLD butter into the dry ingredients until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. (It is important that the butter be cold so when it is cut into the flour mixture it becomes small, flour-coated crumbs. Due to our hot weather and my warm hands, I use a fork to work the butter into the dry ingredients. If the butter starts to melt away during this process, stop and place the mixture in the freezer for 10-15mins to prevent the butter from melting further. Continue the process when the mixture is well chilled.)
3. Keep the mixing bowl (with the flour-butter mixture) in the fridge for at least 30 mins.
4. Remove bowl from fridge. Add the egg & milk mixture and stir until just combined. The mixture will be sticky, moist and lumpy. Gather up the mixture and place it on a lightly floured surface and give it a few light kneading (not more than 10 seconds) so that it comes together to form a dough. Do Not over work the dough. (Only mix the dough until it comes together. Too much kneading will cause gluten to develop, and the resulting biscuits will turn hard and chewy. Mix only until the ingredients come together into a combined mass.)
5. Place dough in a plastic bag or cover it with cling wrap. Keep dough in fridge for about 30mins. (The objective here is to keep the dough cold to prevent the butter from melting so that there will be little bits of dispersed butter in the dough. During baking, the heat will cause these tiny bits of butter to melt into the dough and leaves pockets and layers in the biscuits for them to rise nicely. If the butter melts or softens before baking, the resulting biscuits will be hard and flat.)
6. On a lightly floured surface, dust your hands and the dough with some flour and pat out into 1 inch thickness (avoid using too much flour). Cut out the dough with a lightly floured 2.5-inch biscuit cutter (I use a drinking glass instead). In order for the biscuits to rise evenly, press the cutter directly down and lift it straight up without twisting. Dip the cutter into some flour after each cut. Gather scraps together and repeat until all the dough is used.
7. Place cut biscuits on baking sheet (lined with parchment paper). For soft-sided biscuits, place them close together on the baking sheet so that the sides are touching. For crisp-sided ones, place them 1 inch apart, these will not rise as high as biscuits that are baked close together. Brush the tops with some milk.
8. Bake at preheated oven at 200degC for about 13 - 15 minutes or until the tops are golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center of the biscuit comes out clean. The texture of the interior should be light and soft. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack. Serve warm.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Green Tea Ice Cream
I am a Ice cream lover and have always thought of wanting to made my own ice cream as the nice ice cream is always very expensive. SO recently i came across a ice cream book which seem very easy and simple to made. This book was by this lady call Kelly Tang and her book name is "The Cold Tempation dessert".
SO last friday I put up the effort to try out this 'Green Tea Ice Cream' since i still got a lot of the non-dairy whip cream leftover in the fridge. The recipe is very simple and straightforward and one good thing abt it is that you don't need a ice cream maker. I do have one but have not use it since I failed to made ice cream with it. And I always thought making ice cream is very difficult and you must have a ice cream maker to made ice cream at home. Now I can made ice cream at home with only a hand mixer. ha ha..
It took me less than an hour to get everything done and got the ice cream ready to freeze overnight in the freezer. On Saturday afternoon, I try the ice cream. My comment with this recipe is that the texture is smooth but I find that the recipe is too sweet for my liking and it's too creamy for me. Eventhough the recipe didn't turn out as wat I would like but i think I have more confident in making ice cream at home. The recipe will need more altering meaning I will be making more of this ice cream at home till I get it to fit my taste. So dear husband of mine, pls get ready to have more tasting of the Green tea Ice Cream and thanks dear for helping to take the nice picture of the Ice Cream I made.. ha ha..
Friday, July 31, 2009
Prata Sausage for Lunch
Lately we had not been eating lunch at home so it had become a norm no that lunch will be prepared. Today, Hubby suddenly call up asking whether there is anything to eat at home as he was very hungry. The only quick and easy thing to cook up was the prata sausage and instant mushroom soup.
I'm not a frequent cook so a lot of times the ingredient required to cook the food that I know how to cook is not there. So without hesitation I just informed Hubby that i'll prepared the Prata sausage for lunch. By the time hubby got home which is 45 min from when he call, everything was ready. The Prata sausage was very crispy on the outside and soft in the inside. So that's the quick and simple yet nice lunch we had today.
Pandan Chiffon Cake

Yesterday after work, decided to made a Pandan Chiffon cake for today's breakfast. I have previously try a lot of recipes for this chiffon cake but a lot of time the taste of the pandan does not come out eventhough i used a lot of pandan leave. I was also finding it quite hard to squeeze out the juice from the pandan.
However with the recipe I got from Wen's baking, the cake's pandan smell was very nice and very natural. I only need to add pandan paste to get the pandan fragrant out. The texture of the cake was also nice and fluffy.. Really melt in your mouth. Hubby was say the cake was very nice he he.. So it's definitely a keeper for me to use this recipe.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Mango Cheese Cake
I had made mango cheese cake last week but have no time to upload the picture therefore did not post anything up. Thought I'll just write some thing here first and remind me to load the picture. ha ha..
Since there was some over ripe mango in the fridge I decide to go for a mango cheese cake. I got the recipe from Momster's cuppie corner. The recipe was easy and since i only have 250gm of cream cheese at hand therefore i only used that and not the 300gm as recommended in the recipe. But the cake still turn out nice only thing is mayb not so much of the cream cheese in there. Since my husband is not a really great fan of cheese cake and cheese, so the recipe was quite ok. But with regards to the sugar side, I think mayb next time i'll try to reduce a bit if my mango is very sweet. coz the cheese cake was a bit on the sweet side.
But overall the recipe was nice and the mango smell of the cheese cake was very tempting for me ha ha.. will try to made it again when there are tons of mango in the fridge ha ha..
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Banana Chiffon Cake
As I'm off today decided to try baking a Banana Chiffon Cake since got some banana around. Had try previous time already how the texture either very rough or the cake did not rise up. SO after finding a good recommended Banana Chiffon Cake recipe so decide to give it a try. The Cake recipe actually seen from the Small Small Baker recipe adopted from Kevin Chai.
The recipe actually is for a 20 cm chiffon cake but i got a 23cm / 8" chiffon cake mould so i adjusted the recipe to fit my cake mould. The result as expected - the cake's texture was very soft and fluffy... a bit like it would melt in ur mouth ha ha.. The smell of the banana was very significant unlike all the previous banana chiffon recipe i try which there was no smell of the banana. Another thing abt this cake, it rose quite high and the cake did not fall down. So this recipe is sure a keeper for me...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Swimming @ Empire Hotel
It had been quite some time since we brought our son out for a swim. So we decide to go Empire for a swim last sunday. Since he had grown bigger so we decide to go shopping for a new swimming suit for him tat morning.The Weather was very moody tat day.. seem like it could rain anytime.. so we decide to go early and start our journey to The Empire Hotel at 3.30pm.
it was almost 4 pm and was very windy. The weather didn't stop our intention to bring our son for a swim ha ha.. so after changing him into his new swin suit my husband straight away brought him into the pool. He was ok at first but when we start putting him into the water, he started to cry. We were surprise as we thought he should like it. I guess it could be coz he is not familiar with the environment and there was so many ppl so tat scare him a bit.
So we had to bring him out from the pool and decide to bring him to the children playground since we had come all the way. There was a lot of things to play at the children playground - you can swim, play with the swing and they even got a small man-made sand beach ha ha.. so we try to let him play everything but eventually he decided that he would like to play with the sand which he enjoyed himself.He enjoyed himself too much and start ignoring us ha ha.. so we have to keep ourself entertained.
Since the weather was turning quite dark already, we decide it's time to go back and when my son had changed his cloth he was happily running around full energized and wanting to play with the water in the pool. My husband and I had concluded that we need to give time for our son to warm up, familiarize with the environment, first before we bring him into the pool so he is not so scare. SO eventhough we didn't get to swim much but we enjoyed the time spend as well learn a new thing today..