Saturday, November 14, 2009

Chocolate Banana Cake again!!

My Brother in law was having a gathering for his office collegue yesterday so invited us to go their house. There was bouncer for the kids and foods for the adult ha ha.. We weren't expected to bring anything but I thought that I can made a Chocolate Banana Cake for them to try.

Making the cake was not difficult. I think the challenge I have with this cake is how to put it on a wire rack after icing and transfering the cake onto a cake board once I had pour the chocolate ganache on top. I had friends sharing how they had to lift up the cake and then slowing sliding the cake so that it can be transfer to the cake board.
I try it but it didn't work for me. It was really a big mess. Not sure how to do it better. hmm.. Will try to see what is a better option to transfer the cake next time.

Boy... I made a real mess on transfering the cake with chocolate everyway- on the table, the board, my hand n my t-shirt. I try sliding the cake but it didn't slide at all. If you see from the picture i took, i accidently cut the side of the cake when trying to transfer it.


  1. I admit transferring the cake part is the toughest part. Great job on the cake. Really like your blog :)

  2. You did a good one. It's ok if there's a bit of touching marks coz you can simply cover with any decoration if any. Mine is not perfect too so i just touch up here n there :)
