Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Butter Cake

It had been quite some time already since I last made some cake. Partly coz of work and partly coz of my sons. Wee had been very "manja" lately and it's making it kind of hard for me to spend some time on my baking. So I had to temporarily put down my passion and try to made him at ease and secure coz he is always looking for me and making it very hard for me to leave home for work or even spend some time doing other things.

Today I just thought that I had to made something up so after work I straight away go to the kitchen and made a butter cake which the recipe I got it from Kevin Chai's Book - Butter Cake. The recipe seem very simple and i got all the ingredients in my kitchen.

Well, eventhough it's plain old butter cake but I find it that I had so far not yet got one that look nice, come with nice texture and taste nice as well. All the recipe that I got were all nice to eat but when cut it's got a lot of crumbs - not like those sold in the bakery which is nice and got good textures.

As I only got small egg so I decide to put in an extra egg as the original recipe call for 5 egg only. I find that most recipe books dun state the size of the egg they use which might also affect the texture of the cake. When the cake was out, It sure taste nice but still I didn't get the nice texture cake which I was looking for and the crust was a bit over baked so it was hard. Guess I better start looking for other better recipes..

1 comment:

  1. Hello!!

    Greetings from Malaysia!!! Stumbled upon your blog via Youfei. Love, love your work! Will follow your updates ...

    Keep up the good work yea?

