Thursday, March 18, 2010

My first adventure into Bread Making

It had been in my plan to made my own bread at home. But due to lack of knowledge and no class on bread teaching around here therefore my adventure in making bread had not started till now. Had got inspiration from a lots of blogger on their bread. Therefore decide to take the challenge today.

I learn from Carol who is very expert in all kinds of bread making and it was also great of her to actually show the step by step explaination of how to made a bread. Yes the process of making the bread is really long I think to just let it expand in size it took around 3 hours and not to say that the time to mix the dough and baking it. So when u wan to made a bread you must really plan your time so that it can be in time for breakfast or even tea break.

With my new oven, I had really to explore the temperature as I had over burn the top of my bread so when it came out it was hard as a rock on the top. ha ha.. better adjust my temperature to less than 170 degree and also the bread was ready in 20 mins time instead of the recommended 40 min. So when you are baking do adjust the time according to your own oven temperature.

Yes the bread is definitely yummy as it was silky soft inside however need to improve in my bread making. WIll post in my next bread making adventure soon. Below is the ingredients for this bread, thanks to carol:



1.將所有材料倒入鋼盆中攪拌搓揉成為一個不黏手的麵團 (液體的部份可以先保留20-30cc,在麵團已經攪拌成團後再慢慢加入)

2.繼續攪拌搓揉成為撐的起薄膜的麵團,將麵團滾圓,收口朝下捏緊放入 抹少許油的盆中

3.放入盆中,噴灑些水,表面罩蓋上濕布發酵60-90分鐘(約2倍大) (氣溫低將麵團放入微波爐中關上門做第一次發酵.在微波爐中放一杯 沸水幫助提高溫度.水若冷了就再換一杯)

4.將第一次發酵完成的麵團的空氣拍出,分割成2等份(約295g),搓成圓 形,蓋上擰乾的溼布再讓麵團休息20分鐘


5.休息好的麵團用桿麵棍桿成長條(約35cm),光滑面朝外由短向捲起,收口 朝下間隔適當排入吐司烤模中(若不是不沾烤盒,請刷上一層奶油避免沾粘)

7.噴些水再發酵50-60分鐘至膨脹滿模 (氣溫低將烤盒放入微波爐中關上門做第二次發酵.在微波爐中放一杯 沸水幫助提高溫度.水若冷了就再換一杯)



Happy trying.

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